Symfony Console Reinvented into a Beauty !!.

The Symfony Console component tool that was recently launched in mid 2017 provides us with a simple framework to create our own command line tools, This is real game changer and Next Generation Console for Symfony developers. As Software Developer I am always in search for Tool that eases my way specifically around repeated Tasks like migrating data, performing imports, or creating crone jobs. This console helps us developers with testable command Line Interfaces, making our Job easy and giving us more time worth spending in Implementation, rather than repetition of minuscule but important tasks.
What I like most is the freedom that it gives to create and Execute our own command line tools. Symfony has made lot of Efforts in filling a huge gap and making itself even more Popular amongst developer folks.
Instead of Hoa and Webmozart console , we prefer using Symfony new Console for Averages test cases . We give full points to this New Baby since it is already well tested, robust and most importantly comes with a good documentation on its features. We’ve been Developing in Symfony since 4 years now with a project execution rate of 70 % I guess we are good team to give a verdict on Symfony newly launched Console – it is ready to win console wars !!!.
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