Why Do Developers And Businesses Love Laravel?

Are you planning to develop a new website on PHP platform? With the framework there are several platforms to choose from. All the platforms have different features and functionalities.
What is Laravel?
Laravel is an open source PHP framework that consist of all the required features and functionalities with exceptional syntax to make website development easier and quicker. Since the last few years, it has gained good reliability and great support in the developer’s community.
What makes Laravel so popular?
Perfect for beginners
If you are new to building websites, using Laravel PHP framework can be easy for you. Laravel PHP framework comes with several external packages for functionality. It makes use of Composer as a dependency manager. As a beginner, it would be easy to set up Laravel and develop a website. There will be no need to download a .zip file from the internet. The developer doesn’t need to source a cloning from the github and remember the URL. All you need to do is run with Laravel to make the things easier for the starters.
Open Source
Being an open source, Laravel is available for free. It is a free PHP framework that can be used to build huge and complicated websites and applications. It is also possible to create code maintainability.
Ability to deal with complex projects
Laravel PHP framework is capable of handling huge and complex projects with ease. Many developers who chose other frameworks previously are now choosing Laravel PHP framework for website development. If you have a big and complex project, you need some reliable solution and so, Laravel PHP framework can be the right choice.
Template Engine
Laravel has lightweight templates that can be used to create amazing layouts with dynamic content seeding. It can be incorporated with several widgets which have JS and CSS code having solid structures. Laravel frameworks are designed for simple web page layouts having different sections.
MVC Architecture support
Laravel follows the MVC pattern and also ensures transparency between the logic and presentation. The architecture helps to improve the performance and comes with multiple built-in functions.
Laravel is built on more than 20 libraries and is divided into individual modules. As it has adopted modern PHP principles, the laravel developers can create responsive and user-friendly web applications.
Libraries and configuration
Laravel PHP framework supports several development environments and adjusts itself according to the appropriate platform where the application runs. As there are authorization libraries integrated inside, it makes the development easier. Auto complete features support Laravel libraries. This is an exclusive feature available only in Laravel PHP framework.
Final Thoughts
Laravel is considered to be a great framework that is widely used for scalable and secure PHP web development. The vibrant developer community makes Laravel a trusted choice of most developers and business owners. The future of this open source framework seems promising and we can expect more and more developers switching to Laravel in the coming years.
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